Thursday, March 5, 2009

Valentine's Week-end Camping

We hadn't been camping since before Charlie was born. We took Valentines Day week-end, and went camping at the beach with our friends the Jansens. We had a great time despite the high winds. We had never camped at the beach before, but we all had a great time.
Look at this beautiful setting for the tent. The kids slept in the tent (Except for Haley) and Ari and blew up an air mattress and slept in the back of the I love my minivan.
We didn't know that George was an expert fire-maker. We had a great campfire every night, and the kids loved making s'mores and lighting sparklers.
Sam and Kaulike woke up early the first morning and made this cool fort. This huge piece of wood was a great hang out for hte kids over the week end.

Ari and george were hoping to get some paddle boarding in...but the weather had other plans

Buddy and Makita chilling by the food table
We explored down the beach. Just after I took this picture, I noticed a big fish in the water...Ari said, "Not a big fish, a little shark." We got everyone out of the water, and folled the little Hammerhead down the coastline. He hung out for a while, but we couldn't get a picture of it. I've seen reef sharks while diving, but never a Hammerhead, pretty cool!

There were lots of cool trees around our campsite to climb and play on. The kids were like the trees more than on the ground.This is my favorite picture of Sam ever taken!!!
Sam and Kaulike spent a long time whittling their s'mores sticks

Julia, Kaulike, Sam, Haley and Charlie
Betty and I were so glad that the guys got to spend Valentines Day together. For those that don't know, Ari and George go paddle boarding together every chance they get, and they are great freinds. They text each other often and hang out a lot. It has become a source of great jokes for Betty and I...the BFFs...and we're very happy they have each other:)On Sunday morning, the guys took the bigger kids on a hike above the Pali. They didn't get real far, but they enjoyed the views.

Fianlly, before we left on Sunday, it got warm enough for the kids to jump in to ocean for a little bit. The waves were small, but Sam didn't care. He just wanted to get on the boogie board no matter was beach camping afterall.

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